
Creative without Sidebar
  • By frank.budd
  • Posted December 18, 2022

What Is Ethical SEO? (Search Engine Optimization)

Humans crave ethics. Ethically-sourced. Ethically-raised. We’re drawn to the idea of ethics because it gives us a framework to understand the impact of our existence. Humans study moral philosophy whether they intend to or not. We use our judgments about the rightness or wrongness of actions as a foundation for making our own decisions. The […]
  • By frank.budd
  • Posted December 16, 2022

3 Effective Strategies to Generate Traffic

Want to increase your traffic on a low (or non-existent) budget? This isn’t a post where you’ll be recommended solo ads, Fiverr gigs, or any other low quality traffic generation strategies. And because of this, you’ll have to put in a lot of work to make these strategies deliver the results that you want. But […]
  • By frank.budd
  • Posted December 14, 2022

Digital marketing and SEO is a marathon, Not a Sprint

‘There are a lot of SEO experts and social media management gurus out there to help mom-and-pop business owners.’ If there’s one thing I hear all the time while I’m out in the field talking to business owners, it’s this: “I don’t know how to improve my online presence, appear higher in Google or handle […]
  • By frank.budd
  • Posted December 12, 2022

5 Tips for an International Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing refers to the promotion of products with the aid of digital technologies, primarily through the internet. It entails the production of digital marketing materials to be distributed across multiple online channels including email, websites, blogs, social media and games, as well as audio and video streaming. It is inherently already an international advertising […]
  • By frank.budd
  • Posted December 10, 2022

How to Strategically Choose Your PPC Budget

Thinking about starting a Google ads campaign? Great! Deciding on a budget that will move the needle and make a significant impact on your business is a critical step. Paid search ads are a powerful way to position your business’ messaging at the top of Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP) to share valuable key […]
  • By frank.budd
  • Posted December 8, 2022

Top 5 Not-So-Obvious Social Media Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Social media marketing done right can win you customers for life. Done wrong, it can cost you dearly. Before you even read this, make sure you aren’t making either of the classic, obvious, social media mistakes — having a private profile or still using a personal account when you should switch to a business account. […]
  • By frank.budd
  • Posted December 5, 2022

Top 12 Video Statistics to Boost Your
Online Marketing Strategy

Are you planning your marketing strategy for the year ahead? Want to better understand how and why video should form a big part of your efforts? The listing highlights a range of key considerations for video content, including Facebook video viewing habits, Instagram video engagement, and more. Check out the infographic below for more detail. Are […]
  • By Pat Cross
  • Posted December 1, 2022

8 Steps to a Kick Ass Social Media
Marketing Strategy

How exactly does Google go about figuring out where to rank your posts? One thing to always keep in mind- to what degree are your posts (and your website where such posts appear) managing to ‘best’ meet internet browser search queries? And of course what do we mean by ‘best’? Figuring SEO strategy and overall […]
  • By frank.budd
  • Posted December 3, 2019

Digital Marketing Mistakes That Can Derail Your Business

In this online-consumer age, it can make or break growth and survival. Let’s face it: We live in a technology-driven world, and digital marketing has in many ways surpassed traditional channels. With consumers now turning to the internet for every question they have, it’s easy to understand why thoughtful digital marketing can make or break a […]
  • By frank.budd
  • Posted December 3, 2019

Law Firm SEO: Six Tactics Attorneys Can Use To Start Seeing Results

Lawyers in private practice face an extremely competitive environment in Google search. These challenges are compounded by the fact that there is an overwhelming amount of information about SEO on the internet, and very little of it is tailored specifically to law firms. Search can be complicated, and like any modern technology, it’s always changing. […]